Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Susan Cain the author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Thinking, states of introverts, "You're told that you're 'in your head too much,' a phrase that's often deployed against the quiet and cerebral. Of course, there's another word for such people: THINKERS." Thinkers, that's all we are. And for those of you like me, who are often caught in your mind, I bet you just wish people would see that. The verdict on thinkers has yet to be decided. There are those people who say being able to escape to your mind is a good thing, a way to get away from others, but there are also others who are so uncomfortable with thinking, they wish you too would just stop thinking. As a thinker, you come across many hills and valleys. Even before I realized what was so different about my personality I stumbled upon an advertisement in Time that struck a chord with me. Across the top in big, bold, black letters was the word THINK. Since that day it has taken residence on my wall.
Not only being a thinker, but also a very intense person, I have learned that the world can be very unforgiving to those who dare to push the boundaries. Those crazy ones. In my life I have had numerous occasions where I benefited from my inability to stop thinking. Of course there are those sleepless nights because my mind won't stop running and the torturous days I wish I could quit over analyzing my personal life, but all in all, thinking I believe is one of my best assets. To those of you who find yourself in the same predicament, I say to you, it is not a problem, it is a superpower and sometimes there are consequences one most deal with when given a gift. The world is too full of mediocrity and conformity to suppress such a gift. Embrace that "you think the most out of all the people I know," if in fact your friends tell you this like my best friend did.
The subject of thinkers, brings me to this: up until this point, my posts might seem haphazard in their connection to one another. I wanted to just state that my tendency for thinking is not a linear one. I bounce from one topic to another. I write about things I read, hear or believe are important. For those of you who know me personally, the lack of connection isn't something new, it really is just who I am. One thought meanders on a long journey toward a completely different topic. The joy though is getting to experience the journey. So as you continue to read my blog remember that. It might not seem like anything connects but maybe, just maybe, that is what makes it beautiful.
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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