Monday, July 22, 2013

Part-time: The New Full-time

If you have been lucky enough to experience the thirty to forty minute wait in a Walmart check-up line, you have participated in the new trend of American jobs. Temp workers in the United States is now becoming the norm in the country. Big corporations, such as Walmart, who has changed all its employees to part time, are depending not on full time employees but temp workers. In order to avoid any litigations, if they arise, these corporations do not directly hire their temp workers. Instead the companies hire temp agencies who then hire the individuals. If waking up at three am to go wait in an office to see if you have a job that day was not enough, these individuals also have to pay the agencies to transport them to the site. Jobs are on a day to day basis. Some jobs can last months but others only a day. Temp workers are so popular now because companies do not have to pay benefits. So where the company wins and gains money, the American people, as a whole, lose. The benefits that are not paid for by the company now sit on the shoulders of American taxes, particularly the healthcare. The idea that any adult can make a good living by working as a temp is ludicrous. Part time jobs were once for teenagers and college students looking to make some money, but now they cannot even find a job. The unethical business practices of these companies is detrimental to the American economy. As the country continues to debate the growing gap between the rich and the poor, temp workers become just another example of the greed of some. For Walmart, the lack of full time employees results in a huge shortage of man power needed to run the store, which in turn means longer lines, as only 5-10 of the 25-30 registers are open. How can you run a company without the necessary amount of people? 
"Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." P.J. O'Rourke

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