Sunday, November 25, 2012


Everyone has that one place where the rest of the world disappears. When I was younger my place existed in my mind- my place existed everywhere, as long as I was reading a book. To this day books can still hold me in a trance, but I have discovered another world. This place connects with my soul. Books connected with my mind, but this place - oh, there is no place like it.
My senior year of high school whenever I thought I could not handle my life or control myself I walked into the art room. It is here I discovered my solace. I was finally at peace. I was in that room for hours on end. I would sneak in whenever I could. There was nothing like drawing or working on my projects. Using my creative side sparked a desire in me that I did not know existed. But surprisingly the art room is not my place.
My place is, like with my books, intangible. This place exists whenever I am working with glass.  My favorite project was working with glass. And being intense, I decided to make a stain glass music box. After hours and hours, stealing every minute of my time and coming into school an hour early most mornings I finally finished. Initially my teacher thought I was in over my head - I proved him wrong. I remembered sitting for days staring at my box trying to figure out how I was suppose to make the music play upon opening the lid. The greatest illustration of how far away I was from the world though, was the time I burned my hand. Instead of holding the sautering iron by the handle I grabbed the searing rod. It honestly did not hit me how immersed I was until the pain set in.
I have been obsessed with glass since I first saw Sweet Home Alabama years ago. I have a life long dream to work in a studio blowing glass. By posting that here, I have done something I do not do often. Very few people know about my dream because it is so precious to me. Since I arrived at college I have been upset I am not in a studio. At this very moment there is nothing I would rather be doing than sketching a design or working with glass. With glass everything in the world is perfect, nothing else exists. For once my life is in perfect harmony. I wish I was an art student, but since I am not, I am stuck without my solace, a solace that provides an escape, that allows me to feel incredibly free. Escapes in life are necessary. I am not suggesting when faced with a problem, someone should run away. I am saying everyone has to have a place where they feel completely themselves. There has to be a place that people can just lose themselves. When I work with glass I lose myself. I find myself in such a state of concentration, I don't know what is going on around me. I would give anything to fulfill my dream. No words can truly illustrate what happens to me when I am in the world of glass. It is a beautiful feeling. I know someone could immediately tell I loved glass just by watching me work. It's something you cannot miss. In life there are not many things that bring a person to life. If you have something like that never let it go, fight for your solace, fight for your happiness. Your passion will open many doors. Your passion will keep you alive. "Are you living or are you existing?" - Tyler Perry, The Family That Preys

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