Saturday, November 24, 2012

Restless Mind

There is restlessness and restless leg syndrome but I think there is also restless mind. I am bringing this up because right now I don't think I could calm my mind down if my life depended on it. There are so many thoughts  going through my mind. The ironic thing is I do not even know what these thoughts are. Many sleepless nights are attributed to this swirl of energy commandeering my mind. Commandeering, that's right. Yes, I did learn that word from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. See what I mean? I honestly do not know what will come out of my mouth when this happens. I often find myself lost in a sea of thought that leads me meandering down a path of complete erraticism. This all encompassing state leaves me entranced. If I am in any kind of a social situation I zone into my own world. It is clear I have no idea what is going on around me. Usually all I want to do is leave so I can be alone to think and write. My mind bounces from one thing to another. When I can't even figure out where my mind is I have to sing. "We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times. You go back to her and I go back to black." Amy Winehouse - my favorite artist to sing. I think she maybe had a problem with controlling her thoughts too. But the thing is when I can harness what is going on in my mind, it is incredible. I wonder if that happened to her too. Is that how she got all the soul into her lyrics? Lying down doesn't help either. All that does is frustrate me more because I can't silence my mind. I just realized this usually happens when I have a million questions I want to ask. I problem is, for some reason, people don't like being asked questions. In my experience they are afraid to be vulnerable and show their true self, but I could be wrong. Why is answering a questions so uncomfortable? All I want to do is understand. I am a naturally curious person. The only cure is talking to someone who doesn't mind listening to the workings of a restless mind, or if possible diving deep into a project. When all else fails napping with music to drown out the thoughts is the last resort. "Not all who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien

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